If I want to enable powermizer on an inf, a few questions. (I think that these are the relevant strings). I should note that the below settings make it look like powermizer should be enabled, given that I assume powermizerenable is a binary flag. (there are also other options for powermizer in the inf. ( [nv_SoftwareDeviceSettings_G7x] , [nv_SoftwareDeviceSettings_C7x] , [nv_SoftwareDeviceSettings_GT2x]
Powermizer Switch Инструкция
SMT makes the CPU appear to the OS as if each physical CPU core was 2cores (thus a dual core processor seems like it has 4 cores or a quadcore processor seems like it has 8 cores). This allows two threads toswitch off between using one CPU core, which may be beneficial forsoftware that makes heavy use of parallel processing. However, realtimeaudio software like Mixxx requires reliable, uninterrupted time to usethe CPU to avoid audio glitches (xruns). When two threads share the sameCPU core with SMT, it is much more likely that Mixxx (or other realtimeaudio software) will not generate the audio it needs in time so you andyour audience will hear a glitch.
If "prime-select query" returns "on-demand" and the Nvidia GPU is used when you run with those variables, then on-demand is working correctly. Maybe I'm wrong, but it sounds like you are asking about seamless/automatic load-based switching, which is only available on Windows at this time.
"For me 'On Demand' should be automatic."That is not how Nvidia is using the term: -x86_64/450.66/README/primerenderoffload.htmlAgain, automatic/seamless switching is not available on Linux.
These days, it is common to see two graphics cards on laptops: Intel graphics card and Nvidia graphics card. This tutorial will show you how to seamlessly switch between Intel and Nvidia graphics card on Ubuntu.
Here's other stuff i tried to resolve it:- updated my motherboard biosThere is no overclocking settings done on this computer- updated the chipset drivers- deactivated everything i could in the device manager except the ufx+ - removed completely the GPU 1070 from the computer- removed all usb cables from the computer except the UFX+ and one mouse.- 3 different usb3 cables- switched to manual usb3 mode in the ufx+ hardware options itself instead of auto mode- I tried the UFX+ in all the different ports that are managed by the intel usb chipset- I tried two USB2 port- I disabled C States in the Bios then enabled it because it doesnt help- Disabled lan and bluetooth in the bios.- tried the sonnet allegro usb 4 ports pcie usb3 card, same issue - When i removed my pci-e card that gives me 4 additional sata ports for hard drives, i saw the latency drop a lot in DPC latency checker v.1.4.0. It went from red 2000us to 500-1000us but the dropouts were still there, maybe just a little less, about 20% less but still a lot of dropouts.
Maybe you recognize that an audio driver can be written as good as can be, if the system or the drivers have some issues, then the best driver cannot solve the issue. All you can do is perhaps to increase ASIO buffer size because then the system can work more efficient on audio which reduces CPU and interrupt load and thus reduces also the amount of context switches.
> Besides some tuning tips that you find in the internet a not so well known one is to disable energy saving also on nVidia graphic cards with a tool called "powermizer"- ok i will try that for sure and report back here. 2ff7e9595c